Sunday, February 6, 2011

Douglas Mallette and John Bush Interview!

Check out our website to view this amazing event!

Here is a little information about our guests:

Doug Profile
Douglas Mallette
In September, 2009 Douglas published his book Turning Point, showing how space exploration and development can solve several of the key issues we're facing today (economics, education, employment, energy, etc). He's been on Fox News, several radio shows and has been a guest speaker on this topic.
Douglas hopes to attend future speaking engagements where he can show people how important space really is to their everyday life, and how the space industry (both public and private) can be the next cornerstone of social evolution.
He is an advocate of The Venus Project and the emergence of a Resource Based Economy.

John Profile
John Bush
John Bush, Executive Director, Texans for Accountable Government John Bush is TAG’s chief policy wonk and media mogul. He’s a native Austinite and holds a degree in political science from TX State. His main focus is privacy and the impact of DHS “fusion centers” thereupon. His long term goal is a more voluntary society.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Zeitgeist = Conspiracy Theory??? I Think Not!

 by Jordan Berlingeri

The following is my email reply to an individual who tried to associate Our Movement with that of a group of conspiracy theorists.  I am posting my reply in an effort to help others in this movement respond to similar situations.

My reply is as follows:

First of all, I’d like to dispel the conspiracy theory myth concerning the Zeitgeist films.  Peter Joseph is an empiricist, meaning, he seeks for understanding through observation.  With that said, all of his films utilize sourced information.  There are no bogus, opinionated claims in any Zeitgeist film.  Tagging our movement with the “Conspiracy Theory” stereotype is a method in which the status quo or establishment (in our case, the Money-Market Paradigm and those facilitating the mechanisms involved) attempts to steer people who are not familiar with our movement and concepts away before they have an opportunity to see for themselves.

And as far as you not being sure as to whether you’re into any of this or not…

This is further proof of my previous statement.  You haven’t seen any of the films, yet, you are quick to dismiss me and the movement entirely because somewhere along the way we have been categorized and stereotyped as conspiracy theorists.

I have been up and down this state the past couple of weeks promoting Zeitgeist: Moving Forward and have been emotionally moved by everyone’s response to the film.  People, much like yourself, have come out to see what all this conspiracy theory stuff is about and found that our movement is comprised of people like me and you who are beginning to see the need for change.  Change in ourselves and changes in our environment.

I have had an enjoyable time communicating with you over the past couple of years.  Please know that out of all the communication you and I have had in the past, nothing could be in need of being communicated more urgently than what I’m about to tell you:


It would behoove you, your family, and the entire population of our planet to watch this film.  Nothing else is required.  Take it upon yourself to dispel  the myth.  The truth will resonate.  Do not be a cynical, misinformed, opinionated skeptic.  Educate yourself.  Do not be one of those individuals that is completely incapable of thinking for themselves.  So what! The media tagged our movement as a bunch of conspiracy theorists.  The media says a lot of things that the masses take for truth.  The film is available FREE to view on You Tube and you can download the entire documentary as a torrent file.  The truth is inherent.

I hope you are able to find the time to watch the film and decide for yourself.  I’ll be available to field any questions and I look forward to your involvement with Our Movement.

How I feel about "Friendships' now days.

by Tyson Eberly

I just sent off an email to a friend who is frustrated and disappointed in me for not returning their emails.  I wanted to post my response email because I feel it's something that is showing up more and more with how I feel with my friends, and people new and old in my life.  And really, i just want to be understood, so i'm tagging a few of you who I greatly respect.

Dear friend,
My focus, is on one thing, and you know what that thing is.  I am now telling everyone that I happen to become closer with, to understand that unless we are sharing space together, it is not as important to me to keep up relationships, then keeping up on my mission. For me, right now, its what's most important.

I'm not bothered by what label is given to me for this seeming insensitivity. I understand It seems unfair, and that's my fault for not communicating this up front.

As this is unusual, I would rather not get close to any one person because of the patterns or expectations of "friendship".  For me, the most important thing in my life, is doing whatever it will take to bring about the reality for all to "Access Abundance" without a price-tag.  I don't want to spend time making, or hanging, with friends, unless those friends are working directly with me on a project, or a project in alignment to further said cause like the TV show crew, or other movement related thangs.  These people are becoming my closest, and with who I love with. Personally, i prefer Facebook, lots of supportive friends, and it's not on a time frame. I can keep up, on my time, and it's not long mails.  Love Facebook.

We are emergent creatures. Explorers by nature. I am ok with outgrowing people.  I'm ok with being outgrown. There are many people in this world to explore and experience.  And at this moment, i am interested in the ones that share my inspiration and passion for facilitating the emergence of a RBE.

I only want to be contacted when something is needed from me, and visa versa.  Nothing wrong with this in my book.  It's efficient, and productive, and I attract others who share the same wants.

I do a good job communicating this now up front before anyone wants my time. I tell them there may come a day when I won't respond to your email. Matter of fact I told my roommate this yesterday. I'm in a monthly men's group he co-founded.  Totally in touch, we hug/love each other daily, and share intimately often.  But he's not on board with the movement yet, so he gets limited parts of me here and there.  If he were, we would be obviously working on ideas to further the direction of an RBE.

Truthfully, what once excited me, lamenting on human potential, spirituality, and quantum talk, now boors me to no end because it's talk that doesn't seem to go anywhere. I'd rather feel excitement, enthusiasm, and gratitude and express this with a loving embrace, done.  But when it comes to talk, I'm interested in a new conversation, and more so, doing something about it.

In the grand cosmic scope of things, it's ok.  It's our cultural conditioning due to the current socio-economic paradigm that creates the beliefs and presupposed needs or expectations that are required be be a  "friend".

When the new socio-economic paradigm based on unlimited abundance for all is created, there will be no more guiltful relationships. That is one person sharing with another for scarcity reasons, then that person feeling indebted to that person for extending generosity.  You have been very generous with me, and I feel kind of indebted to you. That sucks.  I shouldn't feel this way.

To be ever expanding and changing.  Emergent, as new information, people, and experiences come forth.

The people that "get it" regarding the emergence of an Resource Based Economy, and get active, get my time, and more. These are the people I resonate with and will bend over backward to help when it is needed.  These are also the people I create, activate, and play with.

I hope this can one day resonate with you.  And that you can simply appriciate me for who i am,  and what i am doing.

In Peace